ENGLEWOOD, Fla. (SNN TV) –The developer of Beachwalk by Manasota Key wants to build 157 more Englewood homes and is hosting a workshop open to the public.
The Herald-Tribune reports the developer behind Manasota Key’s 781-acre gated community is asking to increase density in the master development plan from 2 to 2.5 units per acre.
This would allow for more homes in the development—60 more homes in the Beachwalk area, covered by the initial master development plan, and 97 homes to a portion of the area not covered by the plan. BeachWalk is located at 26061 Seastone Drive.
The developer is not seeking to change existing developed areas, native habitat and preservation, recreational or park areas.
The Zoom meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2024 and can be accessed at: https://bit.ly/3trBmjx.
The meeting ID is 895 1437 4799, and the passcode is 798874.
For audio only, call 312-626-6799.