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VENICE, Fla. (SNN TV) — It’s the first in a long line of fundraisers to help them fly across the pond.

The Venice Marching Indians are holding an “epic” yard sale this Saturday at Venice High. The kids and their families have a chance to sell their used goods to the community. All proceeds will go directly to help pay for the students’ trip to London.

The band was invited to perform at the 2025 New Year’s Day parade in London. SNN previously reported that the band needs to raise $3,700 per kid and family member to be able to afford the trip.

Band director David Wing composed a questionnaire to make sure there was full buy-in to do a trip of this magnitude, and there was full buy-in from the students.

Up to 80 Venice band students are expected to be at the rummage sale, along with food from the British Open Pub in Venice.

“This is our first time ever doing this, and if it’s successful, we’ll probably have another one before the trip just to see if we can raise some more money,” said Wing. “This is kind of our first test run of this whole thing.

The yard sale is this Saturday, Dec. 16 in the Venice High School parking lot. It’s on the right-hand side when you enter the school.

The sale run from 10 a.m to 3 p.m.

Wing also is hoping to get the band to perform at more places in Venice to raise money as well. If you’d like to help the students by booking them to perform, contact Wing at