SARASOTA (WSNN) – The arts wants your opinion. The Van Wezel Foundation Launches a Regional Survey for the New Sarasota Performing Arts Center on the Bay.
The new center is at the heart of the city of Sarasota’s master plan to develop the Sarasota Bayfront into a cultural and economic legacy for the region.
CEO, Cheryl Mendelson says a State of the art and contemporary arts center is what the Suncoast deserves.
She says the survey will help determine what keeps people from coming to a performance center and what people want to see at the new one.
“In addition to performances, what are people’s desires and passions, families children, multigenerational, multicultural programming, inclusivity, it’s all really what we’re looking to do to build, as the legacy for the next 70 years for the lifetime of that building,” Mendelson said.
The center calls for the construction of a 230,000-square-foot facility, including a 2,250-seat mainstage theater and a 400-seat flexible performance space. With the whole building built on stilts.
“We have a unique opportunity to be one of the first performing arts centers, post-COVID to be a national model in how we look at sustainability, resilience, programming, as our community grows,” Mendelson said.
To take the survey, you can visit press this link.