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SARASOTA COUNTY (WSNN) – It’s another COVID-era Passover at Temple Emanu-El. But this time, with some more hope. 

“It’s being together as a family,” temple member, Josh Roberts said.

The Roberts hosted Saturday’s event. Leaders at Temple Emanu-El held a per-celebratory Passover lesson for kids on Shabbat, or Saturday, the rest day for Jews.

“We like it because we come together, we sing songs, the Rabbi leads the kids in a story,” member Priya Weiman said. “So it’s a good way for the kids to learn some of the traditions.”

This year’s Passover is on March 27th.

“Passover is traditionally the story of the Jews being freed from slavery after 400 years in Egypt,” Weiman said.

Weiman says this past year with COVID connected her even more to the meaning of Passover.

“Last year felt like an exile in a lot of ways, you know being isolated from everybody,” Weiman said. “So for me this year the Passover story is going to focus on the moment that we come together again as a people and going through difficulties but going through them together as opposed to alone.”

Families celebrate by doing a little spring cleaning of your kitchen.

“We remove all the bread from the house for the eight days,” Josh Roberts said. “Only eat Matzah (unleavened bread).”

The reasoning is based on the original story.

“The Jews fled and they didn’t have time for their bread to rise,” Weiman said. “So it was baked more like a cracker and so to reenact or live that story in your own life, we only eat Unleavened bread, so nothing that has risen.”

Jewish families kick off Passover with Seder, which is a huge ritual dinner.

“It’s a lot about family tradition and knowing your heritage and knowing the stories that are important and really put together,” Kelly Roberts said. “Why Jewish people are so bonded together. And it’s important for the kids.”

Next Saturday is Passover. And Temple Emanu-El is hosing the below events: 

  1. Drive-Through Passover Supply Pickup and Greeting – next Friday, March 26, at 12:30 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota
  2. Religious School Passover Celebrationnext Sunday, April 4, from 9:30-11 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota