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OSPREY – It’s a three-wheel rickshaw passenger cart you can pedal or ride for free. 

The Pedicab Ride Program launched Thursday morning.

“I launched the idea because I thought it would be fun to get people who don’t have the opportunity to ride or maybe they’re afraid to be on the trail themselves to be able to come with a loved one or guardian and enjoy the history and the beauty of the trail,” said Pedicab Program Coordinator, Ralph Monti.

Friends of Osprey Junction Trailhead partnered with Sarasota County and the Gulf Coast Community Foundation.

“I think it’s so important for the public to be able to access the Legacy Trail,” said Gulf Coast Community Foundation Director of Marketing, Kelly Carlstein. “Hundreds of thousands of people come here a year. And, to be able to experience it in a different way I think is really valuable.”

The inaugural ride, reserved for kids from Easterseals.

“A lot of our kids couldn’t get on a bike and ride it, but this gives them an opportunity,” said Easterseals ABA Academy Instructional Specialist, Theresa Collins.

Easterseal students spoke to reporter Annette Gutierrez about their experience. 

“I never ride that before,” said Easterseal student, Issac Brady.

Gutierrez asked if either he would you like to ride it again, and he shook his head yes. 

She also asked Easterseal student, Grace Marby, and she exclaimed, “yea!”

“We’ve been waiting to do this for a long time,” said Issac’s mom, Kathie Brady. “And the opportunity to do it today was fantastic.”

The program was originally targeted for mobility challenged people but is now available to all.

“We’re expanding it to anyone five or up of all abilities who’d like to be taken for a ride,” said Monti.

Gutierrez decided to try it out for herself alongside runner, Mark Kaminski, who decided to join for fun. 

“I wanted to reward myself after running hard for six miles,” said Mark Kaminski.

The pedicab accommodates two passengers with a weight limit of 300 pounds.

The wheels will spin every Thursday morning at 10, 11 and noon until April 30th, weather permitting.

Volunteers pedal for about about 45 minutes taking riders roughly 1.5 miles south from Osprey Junction Trailhead Park.

“It’s a great opportunity come out, be outdoors and meet some great people,” said volunteer, Gene Kusekoski.

While it might seem harder to pedal, volunteers say it’s actually easy and fun.

“This one has 21 speeds, so pretty much you pick your speed and it’s not a problem,” said volunteer, Gene Kusekoski.

If you want to become a volunteer and pedal, you can simply register online and go through training. 

For more information on how to get involved with this program, you can visit