MANATEE COUNTY (WSNN) – The School District of Manatee County has had dozens of COVID-19 cases break out in the first week of school.
The district totaled 182 COVID-19 cases among students and staff during the first four days of school.
Because of this, staff updated their COVID protocols.
“We started school Tuesday and we have seen a significant number in cases both in students and employees across the district,” Director of communications, Michael Barber said. “The good thing is it’s been spread out across the district.”
By next Monday, the district plans to have a COVID-19 dashboard up to help people keep track of cases.
And, the school board will consider a temporary mask mandate in an emergency meeting on Monday at 9 am.
The following additional procedures are effective immediately:
- All students and employees who are sick or who have symptoms will be sent home until they are symptom-free.
- Temperature checks will be taken daily for all employees and randomly for students.
- Reinforce and practice proper handwashing techniques among students and staff.
- Provide and encourage the use of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Deep clean and disinfect schools and school buses daily, or in-between uses as needed.
- Make every effort to social distance as much possible in schools.
- District employees visiting schools, other than their own, must wear masks during the school day.
- Provide plastic shields in elementary classrooms and cafeterias where possible.
- All employees will answer COVID-related questions daily upon arriving at work.
- Limit non-essential visitors and volunteers to school campuses.
- Wearing masks when indoors is strongly encouraged.
- Everyone eligible to be vaccinated is strongly encouraged to get vaccinated.