SARASOTA – Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the reason a man barricaded himself in his home with his mother and three young children near Webber street and Linwood drive.
“From the get go when we first received that call at 1:43 this afternoon, it was clear that there was a mental health component to this situation, there was a gentleman in distress that needed help,” said Kaitlin Perez, spokesperson for Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies say they received a call just after 1:43 of a man requesting law enforcement and a forensic unit to show up to his home on Linwood drive.
“It was an unusual call so we looked into it we got there to the scene as quickly as we could,” said Perez.
More than a dozen first responders arrived to the scene, including a SWAT Team, K-9 units, and a Hostage Negotiation Team. The children were able to safely exit the home while the man and his mother remained inside.
“There’s been such a change in law enforcement, we don’t just fight crime anymore but we handle societal issues,” said Perez.
The standoff lasted nearly four hours and ended when the man and his mother peacefully walked out of the home.
Marc Krawitc has lived in the area for more than 40 years and says he’s never seen anything like this before. “Never, never in 40 years it’s always been quiet and calm,” said Krawitc.
Krawitcs says his neighborhood looked like a scene straight out of the TV show COPS.
“It’s scary, it’s very scary because it shouldn’t be happening anywhere in this great world or great country,” said Krawitc. “But thank god we have great law enforcement officers that care for the community.”
The names or ages of the family members and barricaded subject inside the home have not been released by deputies.
Update: Luisito Montanez is charged with violating a domestic violence injunction for possessing a firearm. Montanez voluntarily turned over two weapons. He remained in custody Friday under the care of mental health professionals.