SARASOTA – Flu season and coronavirus are about to clash, and medical experts stress the importance of staying healthy now more than ever.
Health experts are suggesting we stay on top of our routine doctors’ visits and vaccinations especially now as we approach this years flu season. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield warns if Americans don’t take the necessary precautions against both respiratory diseases, this could be the worst fall season we’ve ever seen.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Manuel Gordillo says the time to see your doctor for vaccinations is now.
“We as a society need to make this work, and the only way we can make this work is by decreasing the transmission in the community, said Dr. Gordillo. “We don’t want people to get other repertory track infections. If we can prevent any of those infections viral or bacterial that will be a big plus.”
A report released by the CDC says one out every four people tested for coronavirus … is positive for the disease.