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SARASOTA -The record-breaking gun sales during the coronavirus pandemic has never been seen.

According to data from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. 2.61 million guns were sold nationally in the month of July, the second-highest month on record. That’s a 120% increase from last year around the same time

“There has been a skyrocketing number of guns that have been purchased since the beginning of the pandemic, and I believe Florida is second only to Texas,” said Carol Rescigno.

Rescigno is president of the Brady United Against Gun Violence Sarasota Chapter an organization focusing on save gun laws. She says of the 2.61 million guns sold in July nearly 200,000 were sold in Florida. That’s why the local chapter plans to launch “End Family Fire” their new campaign.

“The goal is to get people to lock up their guns,” she said.

A survey conducted by The National Shooting Sports Foundation shows that since March an estimated 40% of those buying guns were first-time owners. And estimate about 6 million guns being sold since the pandemic started, with each month setting a new sales record. Meaning as many as 2 million Americans have become new gun owners over that time.

“Why people decided that the pandemic started, and they needed a gun probably lots of different reasons,” said Rescigno. “But people try to control whatever they can.”

Rescigno says the campaign informs gun owners how to safely lock away firearms. She says the biggest threat to having an unsecured gun is the risk of kids, teenagers, and even the elderly retrieving it and potentially causing harm.

“We all read those stories in the newspapers and on television we hear of them,”said Rescigno. They’ve done studies and 70% of children know where a gun is stored in the house,”

Brady Sarasota Chapter plans to release their new campaign to the public via billboards and holding virtual meetings for anyone with more question about gun safety.

But before applying to receive your conceal weapon permit. You might want to reach out to your local county tax collector as some places are not accepting any new applications.