SARASOTA (WSNN) – The Sarasota Police Chief announced his retirement effective, today. He was on SNN’s Suncoast FYI last week and said he was looking forward to the future.
When Chief Rieser spoke to me for last Friday’s segment of Suncoast FYI, he was very optimistic about what was to come.
“I think we’re doing a great job, I love, I love where we are at as an agency,” Former Chief Rieser said on Suncoast FYI. “More to follow.”
He says this after talking about the new body-worn cameras and the culture shift that took place after he was sworn in as police chief in January.
“The outpouring of support has been unbelievable,” Former Chief Rieser said. “I have to tell you the body-worn cameras are amazing. We’re able to get transparency that you talked about, real-time training opportunities, policy revision.”
Former Chief Rieser talked very highly of the police department. He’s been with SPD for almost 30 years serving in the Narcotics and Criminal Investigations Division, and most recently as the commander of the Support Services Division, among other positions.
“It’s the greatest place on Earth, as far as I’m concerned,” Former Chief Rieser said. “I truly love everybody here. It’s an honor to be here.”
So, this is a surprise for those on the Suncoast. His retirement is effective as of Wednesday at 5 pm.
He said in a statement today, “Because of recent unexpected health issues and after much consideration and reflection, I have submitted my retirement. I have been honored and humbled to serve as the Chief of Police.”
During his service, he was awarded a Life-Saving Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal, as well as several commendations.
“As in anything here, it’s not me doing it, it’s all the people that work here that are so passionate about what they’re doing,” Former Chief Rieser
Deputy Chief Rex Troche will serve as interim Chief of Police. We are waiting to see if Chief Rieser’s priorities will continue.