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SARASOTA – In hopes of showing solidarity amid the coronavirus pandemic across the nation, the Florida Department of Transportation is illuminating Florida landmarks across the state.

Two of the landmarks that will shine bright with the colors of the American Flag are the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and the John Ringling Bridge in Sarasota. Spokeswoman for FDOT Beth Frady says the illumination of the landmarks are to spread unity in a time of stress and despair.

Sarasota City Commissioner Hagen Brody says illuminating the bridge is a sign to support all those who are battling the virus on the front lines.

“What it’s really about is a thank you to all of the men and women that are really on the front line of this, and thank you to a community, to the city of Sarasota and the region, the people and the folks that are taking this extremely seriously. It is a very serious matter,” said Brody.

Each color will represent a different first group of responder to thank them for all that they have done for their communities during these times of crisis.