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WSNN- Native American Women are victims of violent crimes at 3.5x the rate of the national average. This is why one helpline is focusing their services on domestic violence in tribal communities. 

Strong Hearts Native Helpline targets Native Americans and Alaska natives who are experiencing domestic and or sexual violence.  In the past year alone, about 730,000 Native American women were victims of violent crimes.

“Although our rates are very high, our people are very hesitant to reach out to mainstream organizations that may not understand the cultural differences and the unique barriers that our relatives face,” said Director of Strong Hearts Native helpline, Lori Jump. 

Compared to all other races, in the U.S. Native Americans are 2x more likely to experience rape or sexual assault, 2.5x more likely to experience violent crimes and 5x more likely of to be killed.

“In some states, the murder of native women is ten times the national rate, and when you look at that specific statistic, 75 percent are murdered by a partner or former partner,” said Jump. 

Homicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for Native American women.

“So we know that it’s very much connected to domestic violence, we know it’s a huge factor and really addressing domestic violence, the first time something happens, the first time the police are called, if we had a better response to that we could bring those rates of murder down,” said Jump. 

Many times, the lack of resources in Indian Country is due to geographical isolation, lack of law enforcement, or gaps in culturally based supportive services causing loopholes in protection. Which is where Strong Hearts steps in offering, immediate support, education, and referrals to culturally-appropriate services.

“In spite of the lack of resources in their community, there are people in their community that want to help, they don’t have to go through this on their own,  there is help available and they can start with us, and we’re going to connect them to people in our community that can continue to support them,” said Jump. 

The service is offered nationwide 24/7 daily at 1-844-762-8483 or Chat online at