SARASOTA – In what some would argue to be one of the most important election season in years – Democrats have their eyes set on November as this week they kickoff the Democratic National Convention.
“The 2020 Democratic National Convention will look and feel completely different,” said Democratic Delegate Rita Ferrandino.
Ferrandino says the convention held at the Arena, hosted by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.. will be conducted by video from satellite locations across the country.
With speakers like Bernie Sanders, Former Republican John Kasich, and former First Lady Michelle Obama stressing the importance of heading to the polls.
“We’re really excited because we’re finding that we’re having events across the country,Virtually people are going to be doing event watch parties with their friends. We’re thinking this is going to be a way to reach even more people during this convention season.”
Public Relation Political Consultant Louis Grossman says the virtual approach to campaigning will help reach a broader audience
“There are more ways in which you can streaming, and it does open up broader to people and it also opens up to younger audience who are used to be more digital.”
Grossman says despite ongoing issues with the U.S. Postal Service and the current administration. He vows to fight for every
“We’re going to have a way where we could walk the ballots. We’re going to win this election. We’re going to restore the soul of American. In anyway possible we have to.”
To watch the DNC over the next four days visit dem convention dot com