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SARASOTA – With only two weeks before students return to campus, some families worry about school supplies, clothes and even healthcare.

A concern that can often overshadow the excitement of getting back to school. A local non profit organization has partnered with more than 100 businesses in Sarasota and Manatee counties to reach around 3000 families in need.

“They’re going to be seen by a doctor and a nurse. They’re going to get their back to school physical as well as a sports exam if they need that to play on a team,” said Pam Hawn, with Hope for Communities. “They’re going to be seen by a dentist and hygienist and they’re going to get a dental check, cleaning instruction and fluoride treatment.”

The families also leave with a new backpack full of supplies, gift cards for new clothes and some personal hygiene products.

Oasis Church in east manatee is the newest to join these efforts and served more than 100 kids this weekend.