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CHARLOTTE COUNTY (WSNN) – The State Department of Health reports nearly 775-thousand Floridians have been vaccinated thus far.  

4100 doses have been administered in Charlotte County as of Thursday. Communications manager, Brian Gleason says they’ve distributed every dose allocated to the county.

“2800 or so went to people over 65 and medical profession employees, the other amount went to residents of nursing homes and people on hospital staff,” Gleason said.

The county has been utilizing a drive-through at the Harold Avenue Regional Park by appointment only. To register you must go online at the ‘Community Organizations Active in a Disaster’ or ‘COAD’ website.  But, you know what comes next.  

“All the appointments filled up in less than 15 minutes the last three times we set up appointments,” Gleason said.

Gleason says it is what it is.  Demand is high and the supply is low as the county awaits new allocations.

“We hope to be able to vaccinate 1,000 people a day, seven days a week, once we get the requisite number of vaccines,” Gleason said. “We have that capacity in our system right now, it’s just a matter of getting the doses.”

Frustrating for some who have been in quarantine for almost a year. 

“I would basically say it’s non-existent because it’s so hard to get any information,” Punta Gorda resident, David Sussman said. “You can’t ever get in and it shuts down as quickly as it opens up.”

For Toni Nylander… She should have played the lottery the same day.  Luck was on her side. 

“The computer part was definitely a hassle, it took over two hours of constant refresh and refresh and refresh, before I could finally get through,” Nylander said. 

She got vaccinated on the first day of the county’s rollout, December 30th.  

“It makes me feel safer, I was so excited to get it, and just feel so much better with all of this relief,” Nylander said.

Everyone who received their first dose will be contacted and given an appointment time for their second-dose.

There are no appointments available at this time. For COVID-19 vaccine updates in Charlotte County, you can text CharCoCares to 888-777 on your smartphone.