This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

ARCADIA (WSNN) – If you live further away from the city, the Catholic Charities on the Suncoast have a vaccine clinic for you this weekend.

Volunteers and staff members are collaborating with the local health departments to provide COVID-19 Vaccines in Arcadia.

The Catholic Charities is targeting the BIPOC communities or Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

The next clinic is this Sunday, May 16 at St. Paul Church in Arcadia.

For those who got vaccinated at the beginning of the month, 2nd dose shots are being administered on Saturday, May 22nd at Casa San Juan Bosco.

“Many of the Latino of and African American populations are very concerned about the vaccines,” CEO of the Catholic Charities with Dioces of Venice, Philomena Pereira said. “They’re concerned about issues related to it. I think many of them have reservations.”

This is the reason why the Catholic Charities want to offer this clinic in Arcadia. If you’re interested in going, you can find more information here.