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MANATEE COUNTY- Carol Whitmore wins seat on Manatee County Commission. Whitmore has served on the board for over a decade and says it means a lot.

“It means everything, I’ve actually lived here 49 years, and this is my heart and soul. It is my family’s heart and soul, and I’m so happy to be able to represent the citizens of Manatee County,” said Whitmore.

She discussed the growth of Manatee County over the last ten years.

“Unfortunately or fortunately for all of us, people want to live in Manatee County because the quality of life and last year we projected 2,000 residents coming  and 10,000 came. So we are in the process of working very hard with the state and or state leaders to try and get our infrastructure caught up,” said Whitmore.

Whitmore is looking forward to the future of Manatee County.

“My hope is to get a new bridge, sooner than later and with our state leadership being the Senate President this coming year. I drive the entire county because I represent the entire county so I totally understand the frustration of everyone,” said Whitmore.