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SARASOTA – Cardinal Mooney High School’s library is transformed into a more modern media center. Fewer books, more technology.

A quarter-million-dollar donation from the Gail Baird Foundation helps transform the library into a tech-driven, collaborative learning environment for Mooney students.

“It’s more practical cause they have chargers, cables, a lot more computers, and they’ve got TVs, so we can actually bring classes in here and do stuff, so it’s really good,” said senior, Ryan Bolduc.

“It actually feels so cool, because our old one was very cool, outdated, a bunch of books and stuff,” said sophomore, Mckenzie Baird.  “And, it’s really nice to have a new fresh area where we have so much high-tech modern technology.”

Cardinal Mooney principal, Ben Hopper, says it’s more accessible and technology-friendly.

“It just gives these students a before, after and during school access to a space that I think is very comfortable for them to engage with each other and our teachers in,” said Ben Hopper.

So, through a student’s family connection, the Gail Baird Foundation was happy to help fund the media center.

Gail Baird is a woman who had a love for education. She was a librarian and educator by trade. Ovarian cancer took her life too soon.

But her foundation carries on her message of ‘You can achieve anything.”

It’s a legacy the Gail Foundation hopes to leave. Her family is proud to see her name on this building.

Her grand-daughter, Mckenzie Baird, was a little apprehensive to have her name on a building, but she  says it’s amazing at the same time.

“I thought at first, a little nerve-wracking, everyone is going to know my name,” said Baird. “But it’s honestly an honor to have her name here because I loved her so much for the short period of time that I did know her. She’s outstanding, she’s remarkable, she’s amazing, it doesn’t get better than her.”

Gail Baird’s son, Eric Baird, believes you die twice.

“The first time is when you die physically,” said Eric Baird. “And the second time is when the last person says your name for the last time. So, hopefully, it’ll be a very long time before somebody stops saying the name ‘Gail Baird.’

Eric hopes her story inspires the students.

“And hopefully it’ll inspire one or two kids a year to try harder, then it’s all worth it,” said Eric Baird.

The school is thankful to the foundation for helping to fund this major initiative.