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SARASOTA – The DK Dance Company just started rehearsals for their performance team.

They’re located in the heart of Sarasota offering a variety of classes from salsa dance, to bachata dance, to even musicality.

One of the services they offer is a performance dance team, called DK FEMMES. It’s an all-female team.

“We are mothers, we’re workers, we take care of the entire household, the kids,” said Lead Director and Owner of DK Dance Company, Kery Fernandez. “And, it’s very hard for us to try and do something for ourselves, to find an outlet, something that makes us happy that brings us joy, so that’s one of the reasons why we wanted to have the team, an all-female team.”

The team does not discriminate on age, sex, or even political party.

“The team is comprised of ladies that are 18 to 65, and they’re all doing basically the same thing,” said Fernandez. “So, it’s more about letting them know this is an open house for you.”

Fernandez says the main purpose is to build a sisterhood of women through dance.

“If you go through the whole season and you don’t learn anything, at the very least, you’re going to walk out with 15 new friends,” said Fernandez. 

A student of about two-and-half years, Elena Sandberg, says she loves everything about this studio.

“I love the family that’s here, I love the comradery, I’ve made a lot of friends,” said student, Elena Sandberg.

If you’re interested, you don’t need any experience.

For Kristen Hogentogler, dance came into her life when she said she was feeling largely uninspired.

“I’ve never danced a day in my life before, but they really made me feel so comfortable,” said student, Kristen Hogentogler “Cause I so nervous the first day, and that feeling melted away very quickly. And, it’s just been great ever since.”

They perform all over Florida at socials, night clubs, corporate events, and more.

Recruiting for the dance team will close soon.

For more information on how to get involved, you can visit their website.