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VENICE – It seems City of Venice residents are following Governor Ron DeSantis executive orders and staying far from the beach.

The beach near the Venice Pier saw a small crowd of beach-goers soaking up the sun and appearing to keep at least six feet from each other groups at the beach. Also, Sharky’s on the Pier following the governor’s edict to cut down to a 50% capacity maximum for restaurants, and keeping the social distancing between patrons.

Despite what Governor DeSantis mandated, Susan Davis, a medical professional, says she’s concerned many on the Suncoast aren’t taking the pandemic seriously, and is asking city and county officials to follow in the footsteps of South Beach in Miami and consider closing restaurants and beaches.

“This is a pandemic, it’s unprecedented. We do not have correct data in this country, we do not have adequate testing, we do not have enough information,” said Davis. “Life is changing as we know it. I’m a health care practitioner and an educator, I feel it is my duty to speak out.”

Davis says she’s already proposed the idea with City of Venice officials, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office, and has been event attempted to contact Governor DeSantis.