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SARASOTA (SNN-TV) – Six weeks and 35 radiation treatments later…Lakewood Ranch resident and college basketball icon Dick Vitale is on the other side of his fight against larynx cancer.

Friday morning at the Sarasota Memorial Jellison Cancer Institute, Dick Vitale, surrounded by his wife Lorraine, and daughters Terri and Sherri, came to the end of a long and arduous journey. Six weeks removed from a larynx cancer diagnosis; the face of college basketball can now shed the stress of journeying every day to North Sarasota for radiation treatment.


Despite varying side effects and inflammation wreaking havoc on his voice, Dickie V hopes to still return to the sidelines for ESPN this coming basketball season. Dr. Matthew Biagioli, the resident Oncologist at the Jellison Cancer Institute, outlined his hopes for Vitale’s next steps in their post-treatment consultation, but he also shed that same light for the media in attendance.

“He’s definitely going to get his voice back. Will it get back to the quality that we’re familiar with? That’s the part that’s not to be clear. You know, having gotten to know the man, if anyone is going to be back calling games…I think it’s going to be him.” – Dr. Matthew Biagioli

Having already conquered Melanoma and Lymphoma, Dickie V is mere steps away from checking larynx cancer off that list as well. Signifying the end of his treatments today… was the tossing of a stone in the Jellison Institute fountain. Vitale’s stone read…”Family” …as he cherishes those who have been by his side along this journey.

Despite his own fight, Dickie V battles daily alongside The V Foundation to end pediatric cancer. Today Vitale began Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month the same way he did every month prior, fighting for those in need.


“I’m obsessed with helping these kids. I want to do something positive with my life.  Being on TV is one thing, but giving back is the greatest satisfaction I get.” – Dick Vitale

While today was a welcomed end to a long journey, Dick Vitale would say there’s still work left to do. Whether it’s raising money or entertaining his many fans, both efforts exemplify why Dickie V is a winner in the game of life!

Following his final treatment, Dickie V will still be on vocal rest for another six weeks.