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BOSTON, MA (SNN-TV) – Two NBA legends, Shaquille O’Neal and Allen Iverson never played together, but now they are teaming up to help Reebok become a leader in the sports world.

The shoe company named O’Neal President of Basketball, and Iverson will serve as Vice President. Reebok is trying to rebuild its reputation in team sports after it severed ties with Adidas.

Authentic Brand Group bought Reebok for nearly $2.5B last year, and Reebok wants to get back in the game. Company executives say they plan to fully re-launch its basketball division by 2025.

Both O’Neal and Iverson had previous ties to Reebok when they were players. Of course Shaq had the ShaqAttaqs and the Shaqnosis. While Iverson donned both the Question and the Answers.