SARASOTA – Sailor Circus presents ‘The 12 Days After Christmas’ on the Suncoast. They call it an incredible spectacle of youth circus acts.
Students from ages 8 to 18 soar to new heights, flipping, juggling, and even tight roping. It’s an event meant for all to enjoy.
Founder and President of the Circus Arts Conservatory, Pedro Reis, says it will include elements of Christmas in it.
“Right behind me, you see a Christmas Tree,” Pedro Reis said. “So, the kids basically undress the Christmas Tree and elements form the Christmas Tree become a part of the show. So, for example, you’ll have juggling clubs hanging in the Christmas Tree, the kids come out, they start juggling, and that becomes a juggling act. And of course, the angels are way up at the top of the tree, and they take down the angels, and the angels open the show.”
You can buy tickets online or by phone. The show will run until Monday, December 30. The last showtime is at 7 pm. For more information, you visit their website.