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VENICE – City of Venice Council Members also unanimously passed the new conceptual plan to home “Old Betsy”, the 1926 LaFrance Fire Engine.

The $310,000 display building would be constructed with private funding on the Venice Central Campus. The City of Venice acquired Old Betsy in 1928, which was once used to fight fires from Gulf Gate to Englewood.

The new building would be air-conditioned and have a solar panel on the roof that would provide power for the interior to be lit at all times.

James Clinch – City of Venice Director of Public Works & Asset Management

“As you can see, really the big advantage to this location is what is around it, we have the Arboretum, the museum, the community center, the arts center, the public library and the archives building all surrounding this location, so it is a good opportunity to add another feature to this really active campus,” said City of Venice Public Works Director, James Clinch. 

For more information on Old Betsy or to make a donation, you can visit their website.