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SARASOTA (WSNN) – Here in Sarasota?  Mixed feelings about Joe Biden winning over Donald Trump. 

Hands in the air and horns honking for Joe Biden at the Unconditional Surrender Statue. 

“A good man, an honest man will bring our country back to where it should be,” Sarasota resident, Judith Koziol said.

“This national nightmare that is Donald Trump is almost over,” Ike Koziol said. “It’s a dawning of a new day in America.”

Joe Biden is the President-Elect and some people on the Suncoast are here celebrating, but not everyone.

“He sucks, he stinks,” Brenda Whim said.  “I hope he doesn’t fall asleep and he protects our kids because he’s going to let all those people out of prison and he’s going to go after our kids, our grand kids.”

“He got the job, so I hope he does something other than sitting there and stutter more than I do,” Jeff Ross said.

Others just relieved the election is over. 

“It’s a wonderful moment for this country after four years of misery,” Snowbird, Hope O’Reilly said.

Some Biden supporters say they’re elated to have Kamala Harris represent as the first black woman vice president.

“I think that that’s an honor, it’s awesome; we need a change,” St. Petersburg Resident, Maria Flores said. “We definitely need a change, and to have a woman absolutely, and I hope she runs for President in four years.” Daniel Flores Biden agreed. 

“It’s kind of shocking that we haven’t had a woman in this position and to have a woman of color in this position is just progress and I think it’s great,” Visiting Sarasota from New York, Jeff Baldwin said.

But Trump supporters say the election is not over and question the validity of Biden‘s projected victory. 

“Once he’s certified by the United States Congress, then I’ll accept him as my president, until then, we’re going to keep fighting,”  Sarasota Resident Frank Dinardo said.

And some are just horrified. 

“It’s like the falling of the empire Rome,” Sarasota Resident, Carlos Perez said. “The country is going to hell now. I hope everyone is happy that they’re 401K, the economy, the national security; everything is going to hell.”

One Sarasota kid says he’s not happy, but he understands.

“I think I’d rather have Trump, but I guess Biden’s ok, because Trump wants what’s best for himself and Biden wants what’s best for the whole America,” the Sarasota kid said.