SARASOTA – If you had one too many plates at your thanksgiving dinner last night, no need to panic, Our Y has some Black Friday deals to help you work on your fitness.
“We look at January and we realize everyone is going to make a push in January to get into a gym so a lot of people just try to beat the rush,” said Director of Sales and Marketing, Eric Hoskins.
Like everyone else, Our Y has joined in on the holiday deals for Black Friday
“We have seen increased traffic with people coming to take advantage, and with this deal, paying the one dollar you get to keep the money in the pocket for your other holiday spending so it’s been a great deal and people have responded really well to it.”
Eric Hoskins, Director of Sales and Marketing at Our Y, says the family gym is looking to expand what they offer
“We’ve got everything here from swim lessons, the aquatic center, we’ve got group fitness classes, we’ve got virtual classes, we even have remote classes and you can even take group classes from the comfort of your home, we’ve obviously got strength and conditioning equipment, we’ve got personal training, really anything you could want in a fitness environment we provide for you,” says, Hoskins.
And if you’re new to fitness, Our Y offers one on one options with a trainer to help you get comfortable.
“It’s a great way to come in and have a discussion with someone about what am I coming here for, what are my fitness goals and then we get an expert who can speak into that to help you accomplish because we don’t want people to come in and get discouraged and walk away a month into it, we want people to stick for the long haul because we recognize especially right now our health and our fitness is a priority,” said Hoskins.
You can sign up in person or online on their website.