BRADENTON (WSNN) – During Valentine’s Day, we usually see kids giving cards to classmates or family members. But tables turn in this heartwarming story between elementary students and seniors.
Spreading love is not a one-way street; it goes full-circle. Here at Rowlett Academy, kids are spreading messages of love to seniors, and seniors are doing the same to them.
“I wrote, ‘Roses are red, Violets are blue, Happy Valentine’s Day to wonderful you,” Senior, Rita Weingarten said.
From designing hearts to writing messages, residents at Aviva Senior Living Community made Valentine’s cards for the second and third-graders at Rowlett Academy, a public charter school specializing in arts, communication, and leadership.
“It’s just a very nice holiday; it’s all about love and loving people,” Weingarten said. “That’s why we made the cards because we want all children everywhere to have something if they can.”
A sweet surprise for the kids.
“It made me feel happy, excited,” 2nd Grade student, Alexis said.
“It made me feel really happy because I didn’t know they working on something for us,” Declan, 2nd Grade Class said.
“We never usually get things back from some of these places that we send stuff to and they’re very excited, so it’s pretty awesome that both sides are really appreciating the communication because that’s so hard nowadays,” Rowlett Academy Principal, Dr. Chuck Fradley said.
Every month, th students do DEAL time, or ‘Drop Everything And Lead,’ finding ways to give back to the community. On Veterans Day, the children sang patriotic songs to some of the seniors at Aviva. And during this holiday, they made placemats with sweet messages.
“My message is meant, like keep on trying to make a good change,” Declan said.
“My flower means love you and love other people,” Alexis said.
These little leaders spread kindness all year round.
“This is just another year for them; they’re incredibly resilient and they’re teaching me every day and they’re impressing me every day with their kindness, and their ability to give back without even giving it a second thought,” 2nd Grade Teacher, Jessica Kriby said.
A small message of love and kindness can go along way.
From these kids to you, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!”