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SARASOTA (WSNN) – A former Sarasota resident writes an anti-bullying children’s book based on a true story.

Noelia Voigt, Miss Connecticut Collegiate America 2021 wrote a book called “Maddie the Brave.”

Maddie, the main character in the book, lost her life to bullying in 2018.

But this book is a happy one. Voigt hopes to help children practice self-love and positive self-affirmations while helping them identify what bullying may look like, and how to handle those situations.

“My way of wanting to advocate for this partly was through writing a children’s book,” Voigt said. “Because I think if we can educate our kids really early, they might be able to kind of develop a bully-proof vest or something. I mean to kind of play on the words there.”

A book signing will be held from 10 am to 2 pm at Children’s World in Sarasota, this Saturday. After the reading, Ms. Voigt plans to speak to each child individually and autograph books.