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SARASOTA – The Betty White Challenge is letting fans honor the late star in a unique way by supporting her love of animals. 

“Betty White loved animals, so this global movement of honoring her 100th birthday, why don’t you make a donation to a shelter of your choice,” said Humane Society of Sarasota County Director of Philanthropy, Autumn Steiner. 

The “Betty White Challenge,” is an online event set for January 17th, on what would’ve been White’s 100th birthday. 

The social media challenge encourages people to donate $5 to animal rescues or shelters in her name. Every donation made to the Humane Society of Sarasota County goes straight to their programs and services.

“It takes a lot to keep a facility of this size going every day and we have as of this morning, we have 120 animals in our facility and in our care, so if you think about the feeding and the litter, and all of the supplies that it takes, so donations go directly to that,” said Steiner. 

In addition to monetary donations the humane society is always looking for help

“We always need volunteers, people to come and help cuddle cats, walk dogs, and help us with various things that we have to do every day,  and of course we also take supplies and donations, gently used pet items, and unopened food, those are always appreciated,” said Steiner. 

And if you’re thinking of adding a furry member to your family..

“We really want them to think about adoption first, because it is so life changing, these animals are wonderful in need of a second chance, and we have all kinds of cats and dogs here and if you can’t adopt of cant commit to a permanent pet in your life, consider fostering,” said Steiner. 

If you donate through the Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust and your gift will be matched up to $500 for HSSC.

Tomorrow, SNN, will be donating $250 to the Humane Society of Sarasota County Tune in to the SNN Evening Edition.