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Sarasota BMX park celebrates 50 anniversary

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SARASOTA, Fla. (SNN) – Sarasota BMX riders are preparing to celebrate the 50 years of having a place to play, practice and race. The location is hosting USA BMX’s Sunshine State Nationals in 2024 to celebrate.

“BMX is one of those niche, unique sports. Which Sarasota has really decided to invest in,” said Nicole Rissler.

Rissler, the director of Parks Recreation and Natural Resources for Sarasota County, says the county has the longest continuous running BMX track in the United States.


The track is located at the corner of Tuttle Avenue and 17 Street. The first event will take place Jan. 5 through Jan. 7.

“The thrill is going fast, jumping the big jumps, and you’re going really fast. We’re hitting approximately 30-35 mph out there on the track,” said Caleb Minthorn.

Minthorn, the head coach at Sarasota BMX says riders from 6 to 50 years old will be trying to qualify for the world championship in Rock Hill South Carolina.

On Jan. 7, riders can gain ranking points towards the 2024 Olympic qualifications.

The event viewing is free, but you have to pay to park.

“I just hope that everyone will take an opportunity, even though we’re in the midst of the holiday season, to put this unique event that you don’t get to see very often on their calendars. And come out, and see some incredible racing occur Jan. 5 through the 7, here at Sarasota BMX,” said Rissler.

For additional information, you can visit