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Voting by mail? Floridians now have to request mail-in ballot every 2 years

Vote by mail

FLORIDA (SNN TV) – If you want to vote by mail, you may already see big changes this year.

This is because of a new bill Governor DeSantis signed into law in 2022. You must submit a new request every two years for each general election cycle. Before, you had to request a ballot every four years.

Every voter who requested a ballot before the November 2022 elections must resubmit their request for 2024 primary elections and the 2024 presidential elections. All requests made prior to the end of 2022 are now expired. A person must request the ballot, or they are not eligible to vote by mail.

The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the election. Florida residents can request their “Vote By Mail” ballot at