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Venice City Council approves mask mandate, with exceptions

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VENICE – The City of Venice passed the second reading of a mask ordinance with some exceptions. 

“Mayor Feinsod…” “Yes, this motion is passed four to three,” said City of Venice Mayor, Ron Feinsod. 

In a 4-3 vote, Venice City Council passed an ordinance requiring masks within city limits, with council members Moore, Fiedler, and Cautero, in agreement.

“Venice has one of the oldest populations in the country, in the country,” said Venice Council Member, Rich Cautero.

“The CDC outlined last week that the overall national COVID-19 hospitalization rates are highest in the 65 and older age group. So that age-related vulnerability greatly concerns me based on our demographics and age profile,” said Cautero.

There are 14 exceptions to the ordinance, including those who are social distancing, eating or drinking, children under the age of six, and people exercising.

The distinguishing factor of the exceptions caused some disagreement among council members…

“Again, there are so many holes to this, I don’t know what we’re trying to accomplish and that is what I guess why I’m having such a hard time getting behind it,” said Venice Council Member, Nick Pachota. 

The ordinance also excludes those whose compliance would be detrimental to their health, safety, or welfare. And anyone who claims that does not need a doctor’s note or medical proof. Councilmember Helen Moore urges all to read the ordinance…

“Please people before you all get all that your rights are being taken or that wearing a mask is going to kill somebody, read the ordinance and distill it for yourselves,” said Venice Council Member, Helen Moore. 

Violators would be issued a non-criminal citation and subject to a $50 fine, upon non-payment the fine could grow up to $500.

The ordinance is set to expire after 30 days unless extended or repealed.