SARASOTA (WSNN) – The Jewish High Holy days are around the corner and Temple Emanuel is celebrating with the Suncoast.
The holidays include Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year; Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, and more. Rosh Hashana begins at sundown on Friday, September 18th.
So to get everyone in the spirit, Temple Emanu-El is hosting events with the Suncoast.
They’ve only ever had services open to members and guests. But with the pandemic forcing physical doors to close, it has allowed virtual ones to open.
Rabbi Elain Glickman says she’s excited to offer their services to more people as they live-stream for anyone to participate.
“So if we have people out there who are Jewish who have never wanted to come to a holiday service or not Jewish and are interested to see what it’s all about, we are excited to throw our doors open virtually and share our services with the community,” Rabbi Glickman said.
On Yom Kippur, they’ll be hosting their yearly food drive in partnership with All Faiths Food Bank to support those in need.
And this weekend, they’re doing a contactless drive-thru pick up to collect High Holy day gift bags with prayer books, foods and special messages painted on rocks. Anyone can stop by.