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Six ballerinas choreograph new outdoor performance

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SARASOTA (WSNN) – Sarasota Ballet hosts its first live and outdoor performance since COVID-19. But some dancers are turning in their performance shoes for a different pair. 

Six young ballerinas are stepping into new shoes for their outdoor program called ‘Voices of Her.’

“It’s really fulfilling, like so much more than I dreamed of or even envisioned,” Sarasota Ballet apprentice dancer and choreographer, Macyn Vogt said.

Instead of dancing, their choreographing. It’s Vogt’s and Asia Bui’s first time in this role.

“It’s really fun to work with your peers and like Macyn was saying, make your vision come to life and experiment with the dancers,” Coryphee dancer and choreographer, Bui said. “And you just learn so much about in the process about yourself and being in front of the room as opposed to one of the dancers.”

The show is meant to feature female choreographers in the world of ballet. 

“Female choreographers aren’t really prevalent a lot in the ballet world, until recently,” Vogt said. “A few past years, they’ve started to really push for more female voices in this career path. To be given this opportunity to expand out artistic voices is just really exciting. And it’s great to be put on the map for ‘Voices of Her.’”

Vogt is using six dancers forming three couples in her piece to cellist Zoe Keating’s “Exurgency,” with a message of coming into the light.

“Everyone has their own moment of shine in the spotlight,” Vogt said. “And it’s just kind of coming into one’s own. In my case, just as a dancer and choreographer. And as the dancer’s case in this piece coming to light and being shown.”

Whereas with Bui’s number, she’s using four couples to Arcade Fire and Owen Pallet’s “Song on the Beach.”

“It’s inspired by the natural environment of Sarasota around here playing off the themes of the sunset and the sunrise,” Bui said.

All six original dance pieces from The Sarasota Ballet and its Studio Company will be performed Wednesday through May 1st on the Asolo Rep’s Terrace Stage outside the FSU Center for the Performing Arts.

The outside program starts at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Tickets are $20. You can find more info at