SNN News

Sarasota County residents can expect higher utility bills come fall


SARASOTA – Sarasota County resident can expect to pay more on their utilities bill starting this fall.

On Thursday Sarasota County Commissioners unanimously voted to increase usage rate by 1.5%. County commissioners also agreed to raise storm water environmental utility rate. Commissioners argue the revenue to improve the flooding and water quality issues the county faces haven’t been adjusted since 2008.

County Commissioner Alan Maio said at the commissioners meeting certain areas will see more of an increase in costs than others the improvements are necessary.

“This is not a new topic we’ve been over this; and we’re making great, great progress in that department and I think we should all be pleased and proud of that,” said Commissioner Maio.

Sarasota resident Valerie Dillingham agrees the county has major infrastructure issues , but doesn’t support the rates should increase in the midst of a global health pandemic.

“I noticed at the bottom of the bill there was a paragraph very faintly printed,” said Dillingham. “Most importantly to raise prices I don’t understand why our local water company can’t hold off on the increase in payments if they are deemed to be necessary.”

Dillingham says she was only made aware of the higher rates coming soon for Sarasota residents, after discovering at the bottom of her monthly bill statement. The note on her bill mentioned the planned commissioners meeting on Thursday that was scheduled at 9 a.m.

She plans to start a petition online to combat the rates increase during a pandemic. She says it’s not the right thing to do when some people are struggling to put food on the table.

This vote comes after several sewage spills have plagued the county due to aging infrastructures. Including on Wednesday when About 5,000 gallons of sewage spilled into a ditch in Venice.