SNN News

Rat poisoning killing birds on suncoast


SARASOTA, Fla. (SNN) —  Maria Passarelli, a veterinarian at the animal wildlife rescue Save our Seabirds has seen an increase over the years in birds dying after ingesting rat poison
“This is a issue that stems from rats verus humans and trying to control rat population because they can be such a huge issue,” Passarelli said. “The parents can actually take these rats back to their nest and feed it to their young, so an entire family can be killed by a single poison rat.”


Passarelli said often times birds who are suffering from rat poisoning have the lowest survival rate.

“These toxins are very good at what they do, they are meant to kill these animals and they are giving at a very, very high dosage so it is very difficult to pull a bird through that kind of toxicity,” Passarelli said.
“The parents can actually take these rats back to their nest and feed it to their young, so an entire family can be killed by a single poison rat,
 Passarelli said.