SNN News

Manatee faith leaders hope to meet with sheriff on reform


MANATEE COUNTY (SNN TV) – Faith leaders demonstrate for changes at the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.

The Herald-Tribune reports faith leaders from 15 congregations gathered late last week to call for a meeting with sheriff Rick Wells. They’re asking for a pre-arrest diversion program for the agency. They’ve asked Wells to include minor, non-dangerous driving offenses in a new pre-arrest program.

Wells has said something like expired tags leads to a summons, not an arrest. However, some in the group say a summons can escalate to a misdemeanor if the person can’t afford to pay and can keep someone from finding a good job or getting a scholarship.

The event was organized by Stronger Together Reaching Equality Across Manatee, or S.T.R.E.A.M.

S.T.R.E.A.M hopes to meet with Wells in the coming weeks.