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Hundreds of flags planted at USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus honoring 9/11 victims


SARASOTA-MANATEE COUNTIES (WSNN) – The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack is this weekend and a Suncoast university is honoring the victims. 

2,977 lives were lost on September 11th, 2001. That’s how many flags were placed at the USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus, Tuesday afternoon.

“It’s not just a USF event, it’s a community event, and we are very thankful for the community to step up to the plate,” USF Sarasota-Manatee’s Director of Campus Engagement Carlos Moreira said.

Dozens of faculty, staff and students planted these flags on the campus courtyard to honor every victim who died on this tragic day.

“Unfortunately, 9/11 was a devastating event that happened to us in our nation, and I just wanted to come out here in remembrance of everyone,” student veteran volunteer Laura Kalu said. “Placing every single little flag, it means something.”

And it’s e for those who were too young or not alive to know about the terrorist attacks.

I was a child when it happened and I lived in New York and I just remember it happening and it was a huge deal, everyone was scared,” Kalu said. “I think everyone should be out here. You don’t have to be a veteran or a student.”

As young people, we need to show reverence, even though we weren’t there,” student Pierce Gerber said. “It’s more than just reading about it history books, it’s about internalizing it, and what it meant to the generation before you.”

But for Moreira, who is also a New York native who served in the Marine Corp, it’s more than just remembering the devastation.

“Even though the tragedy happened September 11th, we can’t forget the 12th when everyone came together, neighbors helped out one another,” Moreira said. 

Campus security, Mark Heise says it’s important to remember the dynamics between first responders and civilians.

“Those that don’t expect the worst thing to happen and those that prepare for the worst thing to happen to come together and rise back up and care for one another, it’s just extremely important we remembered that process,” Heise said. 

These flags will be part of the ceremony the campus is hosting this Friday at 8:15 am to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Flags will be raised, there will be guest speakers including a fire fighter who was a part of the rescue team at the World Trade Center, patriotic music, and local first responders in attendance.