SNN News

Grand re-opening of Newtown’s Farmers Market


SARASOTA –  Strawberries, mango’s, and pineapples all these fruits and more can be found at the Newtown Farmers Market.

“Today we’re setting up, we’re getting ready for our big grand opening today,” said Tiffany Hargroe.

The farmers market in Newtown moved to its new location at the Martin Luther King Park. Hargroe, a volunteer, is one of the vendors hoping to offer healthy food options to the community.

“You know getting everyone to eat healthy, you know they talk about the obesity. Helping our kids just you know eat healthy.” said Hargroe.

Residents feel the Newtown area is a food desert where most of its residents don’t have access to affordable nutritious food. Hargroe looks to change that. “The importance of having a farmers market is to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to the community as well as to the young youth,” said Hargroe.

From locally grown food to checkups with a doctor the Newtown Farmers Market has something for everyone. Maria Gelinas lives in the area and says the new location is convenient for her and her neighbors.

“I’m glad they moved here. This is our neighborhood, I live here and this is a great location for something like this so we need more people to come and support them,” said Gelina

Hargroe’s mission is to improve the health of Newtown residents doesn’t stop at the farmers market she even delivers fresh fruits to people at their home.

“We try to just help the community and we wanna see our people eat right, you know obesity we want to try and bring that down and we just love it,” said Hargroe.

The Newtown Farmers Market is open every Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5p.m.with delicious nutritious food and enough fun for the whole family.