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Flu shots reduce risk of hospitalization for pregnant women

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SARASOTA- Its Flu season and flu shots are now readily available, but some may have questions about if you should get a flu shot; including pregnant women. A new study shows the flu vaccine has multiple benefits for pregnant women.

The flu vaccine reduces a pregnant woman’s risk of hospitalization due to influenza by an average of 40 percent, according to the centers for disease control and prevention.

The CDC analyzed data from more than two million pregnant women over six flu seasons, and found that a flu shot significantly reduces a pregnant women’s chance of being hospitalized for a flu–related illness.

Among the key findings:

The CDC says an estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter making it the deadliest season in more than four decades.

Flu Shots are now available at the Health Department and at local doctor’s offices across the suncoast. You can find information on where to get a Flu Shot at the Health Departments website.