SNN News

FBA Marching Assessment celebrates best of Suncoast marching bands

2022 FBA MPA returns to Manatee High

BRADENTON (SNN TV) – Cruella, a bombastic Boston show, a sailor symphony, and Mission Impossible/James Bond are among the shows you’ll get to enjoy on the Suncoast soon.

The Florida Bandmasters Association is back with their annual Marching Performance Assessment in the Suncoast area, being held at Manatee High.

For some bands, this is one of a number of evaluations until the state championships in November. For others, this is one of their last major performances for their season. You can expect to see nearly all high school marching bands in the area perform their halftime shows, and if you’ve seen any of them perform this season, you’re likely to their shows more refined — bands have been working on their shows since July and August.

District 11 Chair Chuck Evans, who also is one of the band directors at Riverview High School, visited the studio to talk about the upcoming event.

If you’d like to attend, the FBA MPA will take place at Manatee High School this Saturday, October 29. The first performance begins at around 3:30 p.m., and the evaluation results will be after 9:00 that evening.

Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students 13 and under (they must be purchased with an adult admission). You can purchase tickets at the gate or go to