SARASOTA (WSNN) – It’s Heart Health Awareness Month and SNN is highlighting ways to keep your heart healthy.
“I want to keep going, I’m now 79 years old, and I want to go until I’m at least; pick a number,” North Port resident, George Nazeffa said.
Nazeffa keeps his heart health in check by going to Sarasota Cardiologist, Dr. Chippy Ajithan, M.D. on a regular basis.
“It’s the number one killer in the U.S. and the number one killer globally,” Dr. Chippy said.
Dr. Chippy says heart health is about understanding the impact that heart disease has on a global scale. This includes heart attacks, congestive heart failure, stroke, and more. But she says you can change that global statistic.
“By maintaining good blood pressure, cholesterol, watching your blood sugars, going to your doctor’s regularly, and of course what is near and dear to me is the ability to reverse heart disease with a healthy lifestyle,” Dr. Chippy said.
By watching what you eat and exercising. But, heart health goes beyond those physical changes.
“The two most important in my mind are stress reduction and love,” Dr. Chippy said. “Having that compassion, having forgiveness, having gratitude makes a big difference.”
Nazeffa goes to the gym four to five times a week, but when it comes to his diet …
“I’m not too up to date her idea of eating twigs and berries,” Nazeffa said. “I’m a meat guy, that’s what I prefer.”
If you too are stuck on meat and potatoes, Dr. Chippy, says take baby steps.
“If you can’t fundamentally change your diet, then just focus on adding color,” Dr. Chippy said. “So add more veggies, add more fruit to your diet.
And start small with the exercise.
“Go for a short walk. Or if you don’t have time, do a High-Intensity Exercise, whatever that might be for a short duration,” Dr. Chippy said. “You’re still going to get benefits.”
Dr. Chippyctors reminds everyone, it’s important to keep getting your annual check-ups and screenings. If you cannot go in-person, she suggests you do telehealth visits.