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Blood drive for crises in Israel held in Suncoast. Here’s how you can help

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SARASOTA, Fla. (SNN) – A blood drive project called “AMICHAI”, meaning Israel lives, took place on Sunday. The purpose was to support of the crises in Israel.

With the blood drive being held at Temple Emanu-El, the blood didn’t only go to Israel, but the donation are also supporting the local Suncoast community.

Tess Koncick, member of Temple Emanu-El and Joan Leonard, Community Liaison for Suncoast Blood Centers said it’s important to help Israel in time of need.

“Well, on behalf of Temple Emanu-El, we appreciate the community’s support for Israel. And just want to thank all of our members, and especially Rabbi Elaine Glickman, who is heading up this effort and works tirelessly to help members support Israel. And thank you to Suncoast Blood Centers. It’s people helping people, that’s what we do,” said Koncick and Leonard.

The blood drive took place 9 am to noon.

Anyone who couldn’t make it out to donate on Sunday can give blood at anytime, as there are blood drives every day. The center needs 150 units per day.