SNN News

SMH monitoring hospital capacity as holidays near


SARASOTA-  Sarasota Memorial Hospital continuing to monitor bed space as it prepares for a potential holiday surge in COVID cases. 

Two weeks after the Thanksgiving Holiday and COVID-19 cases are holding steady at Sarasota Memorial.  As of Friday, There are currently 69 COVID patients hospitalized with 9 in the ICU.

“We’re getting close to that 70 range inpatients right now,” Chief Medical Officer James Fiorica said. “Positive for COVID, our ICU’s again are trickling up.”

Overall, 61 of 72 ICU Beds are in use and monitored daily to see if they need to increase capacity.

“We’re adjusting our inpatient floors as we speak,” Dr. James Fiorica said. “Each week we’re adjusting to be able to handle those increase numbers that we’re anticipating to continue right through the holidays.”

The hospital census as of noon Friday was 742 patients, with a total of 793 beds. SMH has the capacity to fill 839 beds depending on demand and staffing. Right now they have enough skilled nurses.

“We’re constantly training,” Dr. Fiorica said. “We’re much, much better than we were six months ago, but you know numbers are coming up again, we’re going to be up in that range over the holidays that we were 6 or 8 months ago.”

Sarasota Memorial is not canceling non-emergency surgeries, and patients are NOT being turned away.

But Hospitals still need your help to keep numbers manageable.

“We’ll just keep giving the same message of social distancing,” Dr. Manny Gordillo said. “Wearing masks, do not get into large gatherings, and be careful during the holidays as well.”

Hospital numbers are fluid and constantly changing and Sarasota Memorial Hospital often operates close to capacity level.